Sunday, 1 November 2009

USA in 1929, Argentina today (4)

After reading the book “Cinderella Man” the true story of the heavyweight Jim Braddock, we have found several similarities with that period of the history, 1929, and Argentina today.
During the twenties, in United States of America, economy was prosperity. Everybody had jobs and it was time of social changes, new fashions, new machines, and exciting new music. After World War I, American economy grew, and many people were making lot of money. People were happy, with a good future.
Everybody thought that happiness will never end, but the country was producing more than it needed and the end came suddenly. On black Tuesday, 29thOctober 1929 US stock market collapsed, and the whole system crashed. The economy failed, banks closed, families lost their money, and millions of people lost their jobs and homes. Most Americans lived on the streets, in cars, on the subway and in parks. People built hoovervilles to live in.
The reality that is lived today in Argentina is hopeless and similar to that of USA. Many people are without job. They are poor and lived in shantytowns like people used to live in 1929’s in US. Nowadays insecurity is one of the big problems, robberies and kidnappings are usually seen. That is a consequence of the lack jobs. We can say that the deficiency of a viable project is the biggest cause of the crisis that is lived in Argentina. The inefficiency of Argentinian government to solve usual problems is the cause of the slow development.
These are some of the causes of the crisis in Argentina.

Written by Arias Victoria and Bordenave Sofía.

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